Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Care and Feeding of a Pregnant Dog (part 1)

- or rather, getting a pregnant dog some care.

After my friend's leaving and unhelpful notes (or lack thereof) on the matter of his dogs' health and even the exact date of Zoey's labor, I thought that it was natural that the dogs didn't like me. However, the lack of information on Zoey's labor did mean that I couldn't give her the proper care and attention she needed. "Sometime in May" just isn't enough. I was already concerned by her lack of appetite and moody disposition. She wouldn't eat, didn't want to be touched, and snapped when I came close.

Since most of those symptoms reminded me of a pregnant woman or any woman, really, when the red dragon is visiting, I thought it was natural. Since more than half of her weight came from her large belly, I thought it was her right to be grumpy. She's a very small dog, the care and responsibility of so many tiny lives were in my incapable hands. My very nice neighbor, however, expressed concern about that particular detail.

The weight, I mean. Toy poodles are small, but they're not meant to be that tiny, especially when pregnant. Dog care is far from my specialties and so I brought her to a vet, risking life, limb and fingers. They confirmed that Zoey was underweight and that can risk her life and her puppies. I had to adjust her diet according to her size and needs as a pregnant small dog. Taking care of a dog is a commitment, I knew that, but it's really different when it's actuality.


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